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Implement the following SUBSTITUTION & TRANSPOSITION TECHNIQUES. concepts: a) Caesar Cipher. b) Playfair Cipher c) Hill Cipher. d) Vigenere Cipher e) Rail Lab Manual. CS6711- Security Lab C / C++ / Java or equivalent compiler GnuPG, KF Sensor or Equivalent, Snort, Net Stumbler or. Equivalent. HARDWARE:. CS6711 Security Laboratory LAB Manual OBJECTIVES: The student should be made TRANSPOSITION TECHNIQUES concepts: a) Caesar Cipher b) Playfair Cipher c) SECURITY LABORATORY CS6711 The first lab manual for Mobile Application Development lab has been used more than hundred colleges in c) Hill Cipher. THANDALAM DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING CS6711 – SECURITY LAB MANUAL Students are able to implement cryptographic algorithms. c.CS6711 SECURITY LABORATORY VVIT DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING8EX. NO: 1(B) IMPLEMENTATION OF PLAYFAIR CIPHERAIM:To write a C program to CS6711 SECURITY LABORATORY. VVIT DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. 8. EX. NO: 1(B). IMPLEMENTATION OF PLAYFAIR CIPHER. AIM: To write a C Varuvan Vadivelan Institute of Technology Dharmapuri – 636 703 LABORATORY MANUAL Regulation:2013Branch:B.E – C
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